helping hands charitable trust
needs of our organization
HHCT doesn't have regular financial support from any organization. All our funds are raised by our staff, families, friends, and people who hear about us. Currently, every month we need about 90,000 rupees ($1,150)for nine teachers and staff. And also 80,000 rupees ($1,000) for food cost for forty five people.
These are just the basic ongoing needs to keep the work going. Our other expenses includes transportation, medical expenses, clothing, household items, and
help to the poor. Some of our staff serves voluntarily without pay in order to keep the expenses low.

We have enough land for the school building projects but due to the lack of finances we have not been able to start the work. Many of our school classrooms are made of bamboo and need to be replaced by concrete. And there is not adequate rooms for students.

*ReNOVATING AND EXPANDING dormitory & dining hall for hostel children:
Our hostel children stay in small rooms and wooden bunks. With the growing number of children, there is a need to build larger dormitories with better facilities. Leaking roofs need to be replaced and walls need to be redone with concrete.

*A new house for the destitute & disabled:
The destitute and disabled people we are taking care of live in small tin huts which needs regular repairing. We hope to build a better house for them.